George Washington Anthony Moss Burr (novel) Gore Vida; American Emperor (Burr) David Stewart ...
1 Kommentar
29. März 2022
Re: Liberalism:
I would suggest the following book:_
Ian Dunt, 2020, How to be a liberal, Canbury Press, Kingston upon Thames. £10.99
This book by the political journalist, Ian Dunt. gives the history and development of liberal ideas behind western democracy - and the perils to it from the nationalistic tendencies that are currently growing.
Re: Liberalism:
I would suggest the following book:_
Ian Dunt, 2020, How to be a liberal, Canbury Press, Kingston upon Thames. £10.99
This book by the political journalist, Ian Dunt. gives the history and development of liberal ideas behind western democracy - and the perils to it from the nationalistic tendencies that are currently growing.
John Cooper-Hammond.