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Lecture 1: Early Days 896-1526
Introduction - A far away country of which we know little
The Huns, Attila, The Magyars
896: Hungary, Prince Arpad, and The House of a Arpad
1000: King/Saint Stephen
1222: The Golden Bull
THEN.................................The MONGOLS arrive -1241
Royal Hungarian power restored under the Angevins from Naples 1308 - Charles and Louis
Two Great Figures from late medieval Hungary - John Hunyadi & his son, Matthias Corvinus
New Enemy, New Defeat - Battle of Mohacs sees OTTOMANS triumphant, 1526
Some Books
A Concise History of Hungary Miklos Nolnar (Best one volume history)
The Realm of St Stephen Pal Engel
One Thousand Years ed. Peter Hanak