'I will defend Korea as I would my own country', MacArthur
KOREAN WAR 1950-53
The Forgotten War
Japanese Occupation 1910-45
Russia enters war against Japan at 11th hour, between bombing of Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, ie 8 August 1945
Korea divided into two Zones of Occupation as Japan surrenders, viz North (Russia) and South (US)
A fourth Player on the scene - Communist China
War comes in 1950 between South, backed by UN (US & Allies), and North backed by China (and less publicly by Russia)
A war of movement until there is no movement in 1953
A static Armistice (1953) divides the two Koreas to this day
There are many books on the war but below is a small selection:-
The Korean War Brian Catchpole
The Korean War Max Hastings
The Korean War Bruce Cumings
This Kind of War TR Fehrenbach
The War that Never Ended Gordon Kerr
The Real North Korea Andrei Lankov