Many thanks to Carmen for first drawing my attention to this speech.
In my opinion, and that of many national commentators, this is not only a good speech but an important one. You do not need to be a Conservative or a supporter of John Major to recognise that his words are of great significance, which I believe will be quoted time and time again by historians in the future.
To access the speech simply go to to get a for a full version.
What a fantastic piece of history. Primary evidence that cannot be denied.
Thanks a million. william
Sorry should have said ate not are. Laurence Olins
Dear William
Please find attached an extract from a letter my wife’s uncle wrote to her father in September 1945. They were both serving in New Guinea at the time. He was an army Sargeant and my father in law a bomber pilot. The extract clearly evidences that the Japanese are their Australian prisoners. Gruesome but true. I’m happy if you want to include in your talk. Regards. Laurence Olins
Dear William
Which of the John Major speeches are you recommending we read ?
Best regards