Our new term begins this Thursday. You can still book by contacting JW3 direct on
020 7433 8988.
Morning Class: Voices of War. Begins at 11am
This course will look at World War Two through contemporary diaries, autobiographies, letters etc.
Week 1: War is Coming
Britain in The Thirties: A Country divided
War looms nearer
War comes, September 1939
Change of Prime Minister, May 1940
A short list for further reading (I shall add to this list week by week)
World War II: The Autobiography, edited by Jon Lewis
Poetry of The Second World War edited by Desmond Graham
Waiting for Hitler by Midge Gillies
Travellers in The Third Reich by Julia Boyd
Keep the Memory Green by Butler & Bradford
Defying Hitler by Sebastian Haffner
Our History of the 20th Century compiled by Travis Elborough
Afternoon: The Nearly Men - Some of those that just failed to make it to No 10
Begins at 2pm
Although two women have made it through the famous door, no other woman has come near to making it- hence 'The Nearly Men'.
Week 1: Short background to the history of our Constitution and Political Structure
Constitutional story begins 1688/1714
Office of Prime Minister
Executive and Legislature
Our story is set in a small part of London
The Prime Ministerial story is begun by Sir Robert Walpole
Evolution of our Political infrastructure
Each week I will suggest books for further reading.
Parliament, Vol 1 & 2, by Chris Bryant
Number 10 by Terence Feely
The Prime Minister by Peter Hennessy
The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot
'See' you Thursday ! William
Although two women have made it through the famous door, other women have failed to get very close.