Morning: The Pacific War
Prelude: Sino-Japanese War
Pearl Harbour 7.12.41
Was there advance warning of the attack?
Loss of HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse 10.12.41
Fall of Singapore 15.2.42
The tide turns - Battle of Midway 3.6.42
Island hopping towards Japanese main islands
The Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan
Consequences of the War in The Pacific, including Soviet-Japanese War, 1945
Never Forget
Some References
Modern Japan by Christopher Goto-Jones
Hell in The Pacific by Lewis and Steele
Road to Victory by Martin Gilbert
The Pacific War by John Costello
Nemesis by Max Hastings
Afternoon: Lord Halifax and RA Butler
More to Halifax than doing a deal with Hitler
His early life
1920s Climbing the greasy political pole
Viceroy of India 1926-31
Appeasement in the 1930s
Not a fascist and by the end of The Thirties not a diehard appeaser YET...
Foreign Secretary
Turns away chance of being PM, May 1940
Yet, continued ................up to June 1940
Divided conclusions
Further References
The Holy Fox by Andrew Roberts
Parliament Vol2 by Chris Bryant
His early life
Married into money twice
Appeaser yet serves in Churchill's Wartime Government
Education Act 1944 - The Butler Act
First nearly moment 1942
Second nearly moment 1957, after Suez
Third nearly moment, 1963 after resignation of Macmillan
An unlikely summariser in George Brown
Further References
The Art of The Possible by RA Butler
RAB by Anthony Howard