'Victory' in The Cold War creates its own problems
This will be the first of two lectures looking at how the world has reached the place it has in 2024. A world in which America continues to play a major role.
The Wall falls, along with European Communism
American historian Fukuyama proclaims the end of history
Yet as one Cold War ends, a New Cold War Begins
A New Cold War with multiple players of Kipling's 'Great Game', including, in addition to America, Russia, China. Iran, EU, and other players
A New Cold War which has led to greater instability in the world, challenging long held American norms
A link to next week: Hitler's shadow continues to haunt The West with the rise of nationalistic popularism
A Select Booklist
The End of History Francis Fukuyama
The New Cold War Gilbert Achcar
Free Lea Ypi
The Cold War Priscilla Roberts
Russia Mark Galeotti
Margaret Thatcher David Cannadine
The Berlin Wall Frederick Taylor
The Road to Unfreedom Timothy Snyder
International Relations Paul Wilkinson