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An Earlier Brexit in the 3rd Century

Carausius, full name (as from a milestone found at Carlisle) Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius, was not even a Roman despite...

JAMES II - Saint or Sinner?

For some reason I received a tweet from The Society for the Canonisation of King James II and VII. Clearly the members of such a society...

A new Corona Vocabulary

NOTE: I mentioned before one of my zoom lectures for JW3 that I was keeping a Corona Journal and as part of that a list of words, new to...

The Somme: Lessons still?

One of the stranger things about the present pandemic is that many people, who have not experienced a family or friend's death or even...

Swim into the Past

Perhaps some of you are sick of hearing me talk about the pleasures of swimming down here on the South Coast. But it has recently got me...

Land of Lost Enchantment

Kashmir was a place of stunning beauty under The Raj, a veritable Shangri-La. Jahinger wrote,'If there is heaven on earth, it s...

Micro History

I often use the phrase, when history lecturing, 'broad brush approach'. In this blog I am going to the other extreme to what is called...

Colston sparks questions about History

Who could have imagined a few weeks ago that we would become engaged in a national debate over the purpose of history. Historians,...

Colston, Bristol and The Slave Trade

Well. Bristol hit the national headlines yesterday. During the BLM demonstration in the city, the statue of Edward Colston, slaver and...

Blog: Blog2
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